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- Rating=4610 vote
- release date=1952
- 1 Hour 23minutes
- cast=Alberto Sordi, Giulietta Masina
- Genre=Comedy
Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln Andere Verkäufer auf Amazon Lieferung 17. März-3. Apr., wenn Sie Standardversand an der Kasse wählen. Siehe Details. Verkauf und Versand durch DVD STORE SPAIN. Für weitere Informationen, Impressum, AGB und Widerrufsrecht klicken Sie bitte auf den Verkäufernamen. Hinweise und Aktionen Entdecken Sie hier reduzierte Filme und Serien auf DVD oder Blu-ray. Produktbeschreibungen Wanda ist ein leidenschaftlicher Leser fotoromances in Rom feiern ihre Flitterwochen. Es ist ein großer Fan von The White Sheik ein fiktiver Charakter und folgt den Abenteuern des Protagonisten. Eines Tages beschließt sie, vor ihrem Ehemann davonzulaufen und ihren Weg in den Büros einer Zeitung fortzusetzen, wo diese Geschichten bearbeitet werden, bis sie zufällig einen kleinen Job bei einem Fotoshooting mit ihrem Idol bekommt. Als in der Nähe von ihm zu entdecken, dass der Held von fotoromance nur ein feigen Mann, der eine Rolle spielt... Kundenrezensionen 5 Sterne (0%) 0% 4 Sterne 3 Sterne 2 Sterne 1 Stern 0%.
8:45 Sordi parla ancora di Max Tortora, il suo imitatore.
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Lo sceicco bianco Download torrent freak. 11:53 ahahahahahahahhhhaaaaaahhhaaaaaa. I would be remiss if I didn't put in a good word for Anthony Quinn's excellent performance in this movie. Fellini worked extensively with foreign actors (see: E La Nave Va. Watched this many times over the yrs but now with ability of sub-titles a real joy.
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Most wonderful movie i ever seen i think am leat to watch this movie. Thankyou VARMA SIR (my professor ) sujest me this. And thank you for all crew behind this movie. Lo sceicco bianco Download torrent. Beautiful music; brilliantly performed. GRAZIE Albertone. Cole whistles in his chair. Hermoso, maravilloso. Ooooooh. Those violins at 9:12. I love this version! Thanks for uploading, Bazarov. Se un certo Fellini lo chiamava l'amico magico un motivo c'era. La dolce remembrance. Lo sceicco bianco Download. This is one of my ever favorite short themes, such a positive energy in such a short timeframe. Wow.
Lo sceicco bianco download torrent 1. Lo sceicco bianco download torrent full. Molto felliniano. Da Wikiquote, aforismi e citazioni in libertà. Lo sceicco bianco, film italiano del 1952 con Alberto Sordi e Brunella Bovo, regia di Federico Fellini. Frasi [ modifica] Questo [un cavallo] se impenna all'improvviso, io lo so. A me non me po' succede gniente perché se mme fermo io nun magnate più nessuno. ( Fernando) Dialoghi [ modifica] Citazioni in ordine temporale. Wanda: Io non posso ascoltarla Fernando, ci sono cose più grandi, più forti di noi, no? Fernando: Ma de che? Wanda: Non sono libera Fernando: Perché che siete, fidanzata? Embè che è, e allora io che son sposato? Wanda: Ivan, non ho fatto niente di male. È vero sai? È stato il destino avverso, ma sono pura, innocente. Ivan: Anch'io sai? Wanda: Ivan, Ivan, il mio "sceicco bianco" sei tu. Altri progetti [ modifica].
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Il più grande in assoluto,grazie Alberto. Nel 1957 ero un ragazzino e non ho avuto occasione di vederlo. Grazie a youtube e a chi lo ha postato! Grande film, cosi come grandi sono Fellini, Masina, Antony Quin. Редактировать удалить Знаете ли вы, что... Вскоре после кончины актёра его именем была названа бывшая Галерея Колонна в Риме, расположенная на центральной улице города — Виа дель Корсо. Рейтинг фильмографии Амплуа Период времени с по Рейтинг: сортировать по: году все фильмы все жанры Актер 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1 Incontri proibiti (1998)... Armando Andreoli 2 Последняя поездка Нестора (1996) Nestore l'ultima corsa... Gaetano 3 Роман бедного юноши (1995) Romanzo di un giovane povero... Mr. Bartoloni 4 Оправдан за содеянное (1992) Assolto per aver commesso il fatto... Emilio Garrone 5. 94 104 5 Рождественские каникулы '91 (1991) Vacanze di Natale '91... Sabino 6 Именем суверенного народа (1990) In nome del popolo sovrano... Marchese Arquati 7 Скупой (1990) L'avaro... Arpagone 8 На всю катушку (1988) Una botta di vita... Elvio Battistini 9 Таксист в Нью-Йорке (1987) Un tassinaro a New York... Pietro Marchetti 10 Великий (1986) Troppo forte... Count Giangiacomo Pigna Corelli in Selci 11 Паранормальное явление (1985) Sono un fenomeno paranormale... Roberto Razzi 12 Бертольдо, Бертольдино и Какашка (1984) Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno... Friar Cipolla 6. 11 87 13 Всех за решетку (1984) Tutti dentro... Judge Annibale Salvemini 7. 02 62 14 Таксист (1983) Il tassinaro... Pietro Marchetti 15 Путешествие с папой (1982) In viaggio con papà... Armando Ferretti 7. 25 205 16 Я знаю, что ты знаешь, что я знаю (1982) Io so che tu sai che io so... Fabio Bonetti 6. 83 64 17 Маркиз дель Грилло (1981) Il marchese del Grillo... Onofrio Del Grillo / Gasperino 5. 65 86 18 Я и Катерина (1980) Io e Caterina... Enrico Menotti 19 Мнимый больной (1979) Il malato immaginario... Argante 6. 69 196 20 Пробка – невероятная история (1979) L'ingorgo... Dr. De Benedetti, lawyer 6. 13 84 21 Куда ты едешь в отпуск? (1978) Dove vai in vacanza?... Remo Proietti (segment 'Le vacanze intelligenti') 6. 47 73 22 Свидетель (1978) Le témoin... Antonio Berti 6. 80 314 23 Новые чудовища (1977) I nuovi mostri 7. 69 183 24 Мелкий–мелкий буржуа (1977) Un borghese piccolo piccolo... Giovanni Vivaldi 6. 61 165 25 Те странные случаи (1976) Quelle strane occasioni... Mons. Ascanio La Costa (segment 'L'Ascensore') 6. 55 100 26 Всеобщее чувство стыда (1976) Il comune senso del pudore... Giacinto Colonna 6. 09 158 27 Под каким ты знаком? (1975) Di che segno sei?... Nando Moriconi 6. 43 70 28 Торговцы смертью (1974) Finché c'è guerra c'è speranza... Pietro Chiocca 29 Звёздная пыль (1973) Polvere di stelle... Mimmo Adami 30 Мой брат Анастазия (1973) Anastasia mio fratello... Father Salvatore Anastasia 31 Самый прекрасный вечер в моей жизни (1972) La più bella serata della mia vita... Alfredo Rossi 7. 09 260 32 Игра в карты по-научному (1972) Lo scopone scientifico... Peppino 6. 86 162 33 Красивый, честный эмигрант в Австралии хотел бы жениться на девушке-соотечественнице (1971) Bello onesto emigrato Australia sposerebbe compaesana illibata... Amedeo Battipaglia 7. 22 109 34 Задержанный в ожидании суда (1971) Detenuto in attesa di giudizio... Giuseppe Di Noi 35 Президент футбольного клуба «Боргороссо» (1970) Il presidente del Borgorosso Football Club... Benito Fornaciari 36 Пары (1970) Le coppie... Giacinto Colonna (segment 'La camera') / Antonio (segment 'Il leone') 37 Всеобщий протест (1970) Contestazione generale... Don Giuseppe Montanari 38 Профессор доктор Гвидо Терсилли, главный врач клиники Вилла Челесте по контракту (1969) Il Prof. Dott. Guido Tersilli primario della Clinica Villa Celeste...... Dr. Guido Tersilli 39 В год господень (1969) Nell'anno del Signore... The Friar 40 Любовь моя, помоги мне (1969) Amore mio aiutami... Giovanni Macchiavelli 6. 95 74 41 Удастся ли нашим героям разыскать друга, таинственно пропавшего в Африке? (1968) Riusciranno i nostri eroi a ritrovare l'amico misteriosamente scomp...... Fausto Di Salvio 42 Врач страховой кассы (1968) Il medico della mutua... Doctor Guido Tersilli 43 Итальянец в Америке (1967) Un italiano in America... Giuseppe 6. 70 746 44 Ведьмы (1967) Le streghe... Elio Ferocci (segment 'Senso Civico') 45 Лондонский туман (1966) Fumo di Londra... Dante Fontana 46 Простите, вы за или против? (1966) Scusi, lei è favorevole o contrario?... Tullio Conforti 6. 49 137 47 Феи (1966) Le Fate... Giovanni (segment 'Fata Marta') 48 Наши мужья (1966) I nostri mariti... Giovanni Lo Verso (segment 'Il Marito di Roberta') 49 Сделано в Италии (1965) Made in Italy... Silvio, Errant Husband (segment '5 'La Famiglia', эпизод 2') 50 Захватывающий (1965) Thrilling... Fernando Boccetta (segment 'L'autostrada del sole') 51 Комплексы (1965) I complessi... Guglielmo Bertone (segment 'Guglielmo il Dentone') 7. 67 1217 52 Воздушные приключения (1965) Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from L...... Count Emilio Ponticelli 5. 81 90 53 Три лица (1965) I tre volti... Armando Tucci (segment 'Latin Lover') 5. 32 117 54 Летающая тарелка (1964) Il disco volante... Vincenzo Berruti / Marsicano / Don Giuseppe / Conte Momi Crosara 6. 17 101 55 Моя госпожа (1964) La mia signora... The husband (segments 'L'uccellino', 'L'automobile') / Sartoletti (segment 'Eritrea') / Marco (segments 'I miei cari', 'Luciana') 7. 03 76 56 Учитель из Виджевано (1963) Il maestro di Vigevano... Mombelli 7. 14 223 57 Бум (1963) Il boom... Giovanni Alberti 5. 95 106 58 Дьявол (1963) Il Diavolo... Amedeo Ferretti 7. 21 242 59 Мафиозо (1962) Mafioso... Antonio Badalamenti 60 Комиссар (1962) Il commissario... Dante Lombardozzi 7. 79 212 61 Трудная жизнь (1961) Una vita difficile... Silvio Magnozzi 7. 11 Лучшие враги (1961) The Best of Enemies... Capt. Blasi 6. 71 140 63 Страшный суд (1961) Il giudizio universale... Merchant of children Гастоне (1960) Gastone... Gastone 65 Преступление (1960) Crimen... Alberto Franzetti 7. 75 210 66 Уличный регулировщик (1960) Il vigile... Otello Celletti 7. 58 122 67 Все по домам (1960) Tutti a casa... Lt. Alberto Innocenzi 68 Вдовец (1959) Il vedovo... Alberto Nardi 69 Отпуск на Майорке (1959) Brevi amori a Palma di Majorca... Anselmo Pandolfini 289 Большая война (1959) La grande guerra... Oreste Jacovacci 71 Мошенники (1959) I magliari... Totonno 72 Моралист (1959) Il moralista... Agostino Лазурный берег (1959) Costa Azzurra... Alberto Зимние каникулы (1959) Vacanze d'inverno... Roger Moretti 75 О, что за мамбо! (1959) Oh! Qué mambo... Nando 6. 25 Летние рассказы (1958) Racconti d'estate... Aristarco Battistini 77 Венеция, луна и ты (1958) Venezia, la luna e tu... Bepi 78 Воскресенье всегда воскресенье (1958) Domenica è sempre domenica... Alberto Carboni 79 Фортунелла (1958) Fortunella... Peppino 80 Электрическая вдова (1958) Le septième ciel... Xavier Laurentis 81 Он вор, она воровка (1958) Ladro lui, ladra lei... Cencio 82 Муж (1957) Il marito... Alberto 6. 45 278 83 Прощай, оружие! (1957) A Farewell to Arms... Father Galli 7. 18 123 Врач и знахарь (1957) Il medico e lo stregone... Corrado 85 Граф Макс (1957) Il conte Max... Alberto Boccetti Итальянский сувенир (1957) Souvenir d'Italie... Sergio Battistini Доллары прибыли! (1957) Arrivano i dollari!... Alfonso Pasti 7. 59 88 Под небом Прованса (1956) Era di venerdì 17... Mario - le chauffeur du car 89 Позвольте мне, батя! (1956) Mi permette, babbo!... Rodolfo Nardi 5. 90 Любовница Нерона (1956) Mio figlio Nerone... Nero 91 Гвардия, гвардейцы и бригадный генерал (1956) Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo... Guardia Alberto Randolfi 92 I pinguini ci guardano (1956)... озвучка 93 Холостяк (1956) Lo scapolo... Paolo Anselmi 94 Faccia da mascalzone (1956) 95 Маленькая почта (1955) Piccola posta... Rodolfo Vanzino 96 I pappagalli (1955)... Dr. Alberto Tanzi 97 Брависсимо (1955) Bravissimo... Ubaldo Impallato 98 Случай в исправительной тюрьме (1955) Accadde al penitenziario... Giulio Parmitoni 99 Красавица-римлянка (1955) La bella di Roma... Gracco Герой нашего времени (1955) Un eroe dei nostri tempi... Alberto Menichetti Спокойной ночи... адвокат! (1955) Buonanotte... avvocato!... Alberto Santi, avvocato 6. 90 203 102 Знак Венеры (1955) Il segno di Venere... Romolo Proietti 103 Триполи, прекрасная земля любви (1954) Tripoli, bel suol d'amore... Alberto Виа Падова 46 (1954) Via Padova 46... Gianrico 105 Искусство устраиваться (1954) L'arte di arrangiarsi... Rosario 'Sasà' Scimoni Американец в Риме (1954) Un americano a Roma... Nando Moriconi 107 Una parigina a Roma (1954)... Alberto Lucetti 108 Случай в комиссариате (1954) Accadde al commissariato... Alberto Tadini Соблазнитель (1954) Il seduttore... Alberto Ranieri 110 Веселый эскадрон (1954) Allegro squadrone... Il soldato Vergisson 111 Наши времена (1954) Tempi nostri - Zibaldone n. 2... L'amore 112 Большое разнообразие (1954) Gran varietà... Fregoli il trasformista (episodio 'Fregoli' 113 Свадьба (1954) Il matrimonio... Ivan Vassilievich Lomov 5. 85 186 114 Две ночи с Клеопатрой (1954) Due notti con Cleopatra... Cesarino 115 Любовь в середине века (1953) Amori di mezzo secolo... Alberto (segment 'Dopoguerra 1920') 116 Один день в суде (1953) Un giorno in pretura... Nando Mericoni Мы находимся в галерее (1953) Ci troviamo in galleria... Mario Pio al telefono 118 Песни, песни, песни (1953) Canzoni, canzoni, canzoni... Alberto 7. 73 1772 119 Маменькины сынки (1953) I vitelloni... Alberto 120 Giovinezza (1952) 121 Тото и императоры Рима (1952) Totò e i re di Roma... Il maestro elementare 7. 16 1029 Белый шейх (1952) Lo sceicco bianco... Fernando Rivoli - lo sceicco bianco Настройщик прибыл (1952) È arrivato l'accordatore... Avvocato Adolfo 124 Да здравствует кино! (1952) Viva il cinema!... рассказчикe, озвучка 125 Мамочка моя, вот это да! (1951) Mamma mia, che impressione!... Alberto 126 Красивая горничная ищет работу (1951) Cameriera bella presenza offresi...... Donato 127 Che tempi! (1948)... Manuel Aguirre 128 Под солнцем Рима (1948) Sotto il sole di Roma... Fernando 129 Пропащий (1947) Il passatore... The Boyfriend 130 Преступление Джованни Эпископо (1947) Il delitto di Giovanni Episcopo... Doberti 131 Мне песню пропел ветер (1947) Il vento m'ha cantato una canzone... Paolo 132 Невзгоды синьора Траве (1945) Le miserie del signor Travet... Camillo Barbarotti 133 L'innocente Casimiro (1945) 134 Кто видел? (1945) Chi l'ha visto?... Un idraulico 135 Цирк Дза-Бум (1944) Circo equestre Za-bum 136 Три девушки ищут мужа (1944) Tre ragazze cercano marito... Giulio Sant'Elena, piccola isola (1943)... Il capitano Popleton 138 Казанова поступил бы так (1942) Casanova farebbe così!... Un giocatore di biliardo 139 La signorina (1942)... Nino Три орленка (1942) I 3 aquilotti... Filippo Nardini 141 Джарабуб (1942) Giarabub... Il tenente Sordi 142 Le signorine della villa accanto (1942)... Un giovane invitato al ballo 143 Венецианский палач (1941) Il bravo di Venezia 144 Сердце в бурю (1940) Cuori nella tormenta... Giulio Ferri 145 La notte delle beffe (1939)... Bentivoglio 146 Жестокий саладин (1937) Il feroce Saladino... The Lion 147 Сципион Африканский (1937) Scipione l'africano... Comparsa soldato romano Сценарист Incontri proibiti (1998) Nestore l'ultima corsa Assolto per aver commesso il fatto Vacanze di Natale '91... и сюжет L'avaro Una botta di vita Un tassinaro a New York Troppo forte Sono un fenomeno paranormale Tutti dentro Il tassinaro In viaggio con papà Io so che tu sai che io so Il marchese del Grillo Io e Caterina Il malato immaginario... и сюжет Dove vai in vacanza?... рассказ Le témoin Il comune senso del pudore... и сюжет Di che segno sei? Finché c'è guerra c'è speranza... рассказ Polvere di stelle Anastasia mio fratello Il presidente del Borgorosso Football Club Le coppie Il Prof. Guido Tersilli primario della Clinica Villa Celeste... Amore mio aiutami Il medico della mutua Un italiano in America Fumo di Londra Scusi, lei è favorevole o contrario? I complessi... рассказ I tre volti Racconti d'estate Domenica è sempre domenica Ladro lui, ladra lei Il marito... и сюжет Il conte Max Buonanotte... avvocato! Un americano a Roma... и сюжет Un giorno in pretura Mamma mia, che impressione! Режиссер Dove vai in vacanza? Il comune senso del pudore Finché c'è guerra c'è speranza Продюсер Актер: Хроника, В титрах не указан 7. 96 15455 Новый кинотеатр «Парадизо» (1988), Top250: 192 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso... Alberto, хроника, в титрах не указан Улыбка, пощечина, поцелуй в губы (1975) Un sorriso, uno schiaffo, un bacio in bocca... хроника 7. 52 232 Ад посреди города (1959) Nella città l'inferno... Antonio Zampi, detto Adone, в титрах не указан Очаровательный противник (1953) L'incantevole nemica... в титрах не указан Княгиня Тараканова (1938) La principessa Tarakanova... Ciaruskin, в титрах не указан Актер: Играет самого себя 2010 2000 Super vacanze di Natale (2017)... хроника 7. 12 Ингрид Бергман: В её собственных словах (2015) Jag är Ingrid... играет самого себя, хроника, в титрах не указан От наших корреспондентов: Венецианский кинофестиваль 1980-1989 (ТВ, 2013) Dai nostri inviati: La Rai racconta la Mostra del cinema di Venezia...... играет самого себя, хроника Alberto il grande (2013)... играет самого себя 1960 (2010)... играет самого себя, хроника 7. 82 463 Легенды мирового кино (сериал, 2004 –... )... играет самого себя, хроника Come inguaiammo il cinema italiano - La vera storia di Franco e Ciccio (2004)... играет самого себя 305 75-я церемония вручения премии «Оскар» (ТВ, 2003) The 75th Annual Academy Awards... играет самого себя - трибьют памяти, хроника Истории фестиваля (ТВ, 2002) Histoires de festival... играет самого себя, хроника; короткометражка 6. 48 Те, кто и есть... футбол (сериал, 1993 –... ) Quelli che... il calcio... играет самого себя День в день (сериал, 1990 – 1991) Un dia és un dia... играет самого себя - гость 383 Три кинотеатра (сериал, 1984 – 2016) Cinema 3... играет самого себя Zoom su Fellini (сериал, 1983)... играет самого себя 7. 56 1749 Рим (1972) Roma... играет самого себя - Interviewé, в титрах не указан Tentazioni proibite (1965)... играет самого себя Вчерашние песни, сегодняшние песни, завтрашние песни (1962) Canzoni di ieri, canzoni di oggi, canzoni di domani... играет самого себя Нашли ошибку? Добавить инфо → Альберто Сорди Alberto Sordi Подписка на обновления... Результаты уик-энда Зрители 2 848 302 2 129 169 Деньги 734 096 976 руб. 569 832 294 Цена билета 257, 73 руб. 4, 24 28. 02 — 01. 03 подробнее Лучшие фильмы — Top 250 106. Малышка на миллион Million Dollar Baby 8. 210 107. Хоббит: Нежданное путешествие The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 8. 209 108. Девчата 8. 207 109. Свидетель обвинения Witness for the Prosecution 110. Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Кровавая надпись 8. 205 лучшие фильмы Ожидаемые фильмы 7. Морбиус Morbius 93. 65% 8. Главный герой Free Guy 93. 03% 9. Смертельная битва Mortal Kombat 92. 61% 10. Охотники за привидениями: Наследники Ghostbusters: Afterlife 91. 98% 11. Тихое место 2 A Quiet Place Part II 91. 76% ожидаемые фильмы Новые рецензии всего Один вдох 3 Человек-невидимка The Invisible Man 11 Остров фантазий Fantasy Island 5 Извините, мы вас не застали Sorry We Missed You 11 Все радостные места All the Bright Places 2 Сегодня в кино рейтинг Человек-невидимка The Invisible Man промо 6. 845 Отель «Белград» 6. 540 Соник в кино Sonic the Hedgehog 6. 537 Удивительное путешествие доктора Дулиттла Dolittle 6. 136 Вперёд Onward 7. 588 афиша Скоро в кино премьера Бладшот Bloodshot 12. 03 Тихое место 2 A Quiet Place Part II 19. 03 Курьер 26. 03 Мулан Mulan 26. 03 Новые мутанты The New Mutants 02. 04 премьеры Сон в летнюю ночь A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1999 другой случайный фильм.
Lo sceicco bianco download torrent hd. Lo sceicco bianco Download torrente. Sei stato magnifico Alberto. Immenso<3. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Jump to navigation Jump to search The White Sheik 1952 film by Federico Fellini Upload media Wikipedia Instance of film Genre drama film comedy film Country of origin Italy Composer Nino Rota Screenwriter Tullio Pinelli Ennio Flaiano Federico Fellini Michelangelo Antonioni Producer Luigi Rovere Director Federico Fellini Cast member Alberto Sordi Leopoldo Trieste Giulietta Masina Brunella Bovo Lilia Landi Ernesto Almirante Fanny Marchiò Gina Mascetti Jole Silvani Antonio Acqua Publication date 1952 Duration 85 min Authority control Q18397 VIAF ID: 194805029 GND ID: 4229787-4 Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 12199303h IdRef ID: 030612829 IMDb ID: tt0044000 Reasonator PetScan Scholia Statistics Search depicted Media in category "Lo sceicco bianco" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total. Lo sceicco 457 × 380; 28 KB Sceicco Bianco 400 × 304; 18 KB Retrieved from " " Categories: Films of Italy, 1952 Films of Italy by title Films by Federico Fellini Non-topical/index: Uses of Wikidata Infobox.
Immenso Nino <3. I LOVE this movie! It's so nice to see a fun Fellini movie with pure humor—no deep symbolism, semi-autobiographical narcissism, or self- analysis here. I think that this is one of the few non-English movies where I laughed out loud- while viewing it by myself! The plot is funny enough, but the thing that really nailed it for me was the expressions and gestures of the two main characters.
The movies starts as a couple comes to Rome on their honeymoon. Since the husband's uncle is an important public official, he has arranged a VIP tour of the city for them-—including an audience with the Pope. The husband, Ivan (Leopoldo Trieste) is anxious for everything to go well for between his uncle and his new wife, Wanda. (Brunella Bovo. However, Wanda is swept away by the chance to visit a photographic comic book studio (or fumetti) where a serial romance with her favorite star, The White Sheik, is being made. She wants to know the future of the fumetti plot and get 'The White Sheik's autograph.
When Wanda disappears, Ivan is left to make excuses to his uncle for her whereabouts. In the meantime, she is taken away into by the fumetti group's photograph sessions. As time runs low, they are both left on a comical verge of a nervous breakdown.
Lo sceicco bianco download torrent windows 7. Belissima. 💜💜💜💜💜💜. Lo sceicco bianco Download torrent download. Lo sceicco bianco download torrent site. Lo sceicco bianco download torrentz2. Lo sceicco bianco download torrent version. Lo sceicco bianco download torrent sites. This was Fellini's directorial debut, although he had been involved in the Italian cinema for quite some time as a writer, mainly. "The White Sheik" heralded the great things that Fellini had in store for all his admirers. It is also the debut of a character that will come to life later on, Cabiria, the prostitute with the heart of gold, the eternal optimist, whose story will be told a few years later in full length.
Fellini was indeed inspired for this picture. He was lucky in finding collaborators of the stature of Tullio Pinelli, who will be linked to Mr. Fellini in many other projects, Michelangelo Antonionni, himself a distinguished director, and Ennio Flaiano. The music of Nino Rota adds another layer to this film with its tuneful score. Arturo Gallea's wonderful black and white photography looks as though it was just shot, with its crisp details of that Rome of the early 1950s in all its splendor.
Ivan Cavalli, an older man has married the beautiful, and younger, Wanda. They come from a small town and their honeymoon is to be spent in Rome, taking the sights and visiting his well connected relatives. The arrival at the train station captures the chaos and confusion that looks pretty much the same today. The prim Ivan is taken aback when the clerk at the Tre Fiori hotel shouts to take the couple to the "honeymoon suite" on the third floor.
Wanda, who is much younger, has something else in mind. She, like a lot of women of that era in Italy, loved the romance stories that were beautifully photographed and which had its followers who adored figures like Fernando Rivoli, the hunk male star of those soap opera paperbacks. Wanda, has been corresponding with the office that handles the production of those penny romances, goes to meet her idol. Wanda, a naive woman, is an instant hit with the woman who writes some of the stories, who tells her Fernando is downstairs waiting for her. Well, that's the beginning for Wanda's fling with celebrity.
In the meantime, Ivan awakens to a flooded room because Wanda forgot to turn off the water in the bath tub. Little does he know, but his punctual uncle and his family await the newlyweds downstairs, but Wanda is missing. What to do? Ivan does everything to excuse his absent bride to the uncle, telling them she feels too sick to go with them. Ivan decides to go along with the relatives not knowing what else to do. The visit to the Pope, a highlight of the trip, has to be postponed.
Wanda finds herself on a beach location where some of the White Sheik's photography is to be shot. She makes quite an impression with her idol, who sees in the naive woman an easy prey. Little prepares him for the way everything will turn against him as his jealous wife arrives to the shoot. Wanda, has to find her own way to Rome in the company of a beach goer who sees in Wanda the same thing Rivoli saw: sex!
Leopoldo Trieste, who plays Ivan Cavalli, was the perfect man to play this fastidious man. Mr. Trieste runs away with the picture. The only concern for this stuffy man is his honor. The mere idea of having his good name sullied by Wanda simply is too much for him; it horrifies him. Mr. Trieste, one of the best film actors in Italian cinema makes a wonderful Ivan.
Brunella Bovo appears as Wanda, the young bride. Ms. Bovo is also marvelous in the film. She is a romantic woman who probably is married to Ivan to please her parents. Ivan is the opposite of her idea of what those heroes of the romance novels she adores, must look like. Wanda is horrified when she realizes what her idol Rivoli expects from her.
Fellini and his team were blessed in casting Alberto Sordi as Rivoli. This actor was at an excellent moment in his film career. His larger than life persona dazzles Wanda, but he is like some other handsome hunks that are used to easy females who he lures to bed by telling them what they want to hear.
The ensemble cast is also excellent. Enzo Maggio, a notable character actor, plays the hotel concierge who is more interested in pushing post cards than giving service. Lilia Landi is Felga, one of the models posing for the novels. Ettore Maria Margadonna is seen as the well connected uncle. Giulietta Masina appears toward the end of the film as Cabiria who is walking the streets where she meets the distraught Ivan and comforts him.
This delicious film is a must see for all fans of that genius that was Federico Fellini.
Lo sceicco bianco download torrent mac. The White Sheik Theatrical release poster Directed by Federico Fellini Produced by Luigi Rovere Screenplay by Federico Fellini Tullio Pinelli Ennio Flaiano Story by Michelangelo Antonioni Federico Fellini Tullio Pinelli Starring Alberto Sordi Leopoldo Trieste Brunella Bovo Giulietta Masina Music by Nino Rota Cinematography Arturo Gallea Edited by Rolando Benedetti Production company American International Pictures Release date 6 September 1952 ( VFF) 20 September 1952 (Italy) 25 April 1956 (USA) Running time 83 minutes Country Italy Language Italian The White Sheik ( Italian: Lo sceicco bianco) is a 1952 Italian romantic comedy film directed by Federico Fellini and starring Alberto Sordi, Leopoldo Trieste, Brunella Bovo and Giulietta Masina. Written by Fellini, Tullio Pinelli, Ennio Flaiano and Michelangelo Antonioni, the film is about a man who brings his new bride to Rome for their honeymoon, to gain an audience with the Pope, and to present his wife to his family. When the young woman sneaks away to find the hero of her romance novels, the man is forced to spend hour after painful hour making excuses to his eager family who want to meet his missing bride. [1] The White Sheik was filmed on location in Fregene, Rome, Spoleto and Vatican City. [2] Plot [ edit] Two young newlyweds from a provincial town, Wanda (Brunella Bovo) and Ivan Cavalli ( Leopoldo Trieste), arrive in Rome for their honeymoon. Wanda is obsessed with the "White Sheik" ( Alberto Sordi), the Rudolph Valentino -like hero of a soap opera photo strip and sneaks off to find him, leaving her conventional, petit bourgeois husband in hysterics as he tries to hide his wife's disappearance from his strait-laced relatives who are waiting to go with them to visit the Pope. The plotline was appropriated by Woody Allen in his film To Rome with Love. Cast [ edit] Alberto Sordi as Fernando Rivoli, The White Sheik Leopoldo Trieste as Ivan Cavalli Brunella Bovo as Wanda Giardino Cavalli Giulietta Masina as Cabiria, the prostitute Lilia Landi as Felga, the photonovel's gipsy Ernesto Almirante as Dottore Fortuna, the photonovel's director Fanny Marchiò as Marilena Alba Vellardi Gina Mascetti as Aida Rivoli, the wife of Fernando Ugo Attanasio as Uncle of Ivan [3] Production [ edit] The White Sheik was Fellini's first solo effort as a director. He had previously co-directed Variety Lights in 1950 with Alberto Lattuada. Originally the treatment for The White Sheik was written by Michelangelo Antonioni. [4] Carlo Ponti commissioned Fellini and Tullio Pinelli to develop the treatment. It was satirical in nature, targeting the trashy fotoromanzi comic strips that were extremely popular in Italy when the film was made. [5] The male lead, Leopoldo Trieste, a playwright who did not consider himself an actor, reluctantly auditioned for Fellini. During the audition Fellini asked him to compose a sonnet that the lead character would have written to his wife. The poem which begins "She is graceful, sweet and teeny... " was included in the film. [6] Appearing briefly as the prostitute Cabiria, Giulietta Masina would later return to this role in Nights of Cabiria. Her short scene inspired Fellini to write the screenplay and also convinced producers that Giulietta was ready for the leading role. [7] Reception [ edit] Italian film critic Giulio Cesare Castello, writing for Cinema V, argued that Fellini's past as a successful strip cartoonist made him a natural choice as the film's director: "Fellini was undoubtedly the best qualified and for two reasons: firstly, his experience as a strip cartoonist and consequently his familiarity with the secrets and intrigues of the world he was about to bring to the screen; secondly, his gift for sarcastic comment and delight in satirizing tradition... The result is unusual and stimulating but derives more from the failure to establish a basic mood or tone rather than from any direct intention. Fellini should find this tone in future works if he is to avoid the discontinuity we found here. " [8] Soundtrack [ edit] Nino Rota scored the film. References [ edit] ^ "The White Sheik". Internet Movie Database. Retrieved 21 April 2012. ^ "Filming locations for The White Sheik". Retrieved 21 April 2012. ^ "Full cast and crew for The White Sheik". Retrieved 21 April 2012. ^ Chandler, Charlotte (March 2012). "My Dinners with Federico and Michelangelo". Vanity Fair. Retrieved 16 August 2015. ^ Hancock, Joseph H., Toni Johnson-Woods and Vicki Karaminas (2013). Fashion in Popular Culture: Literature, Media and Contemporary Studies. Chicago: Intellect Books. p. 249. ISBN 1841507164. ^ Trieste, Leopoldo. "Lo Sceicco Bianco - Fellini - Interviste".. Retrieved 16 August 2015. ^ Smith, Geoffrey Nowell (1996). The Companion to Italian Cinema. London: Cassell. p. 79. ISBN 0304341975. ^ Castello's review first published in Cinema V (Milan) December 15, 1952. Cited in Claudio Fava and Aldo Vigano, The Films of Federico Fellini, New York: Citadel Press (1985), p. 65. Further reading [ edit] Aristarco, Guido. Lo sceicco bianco, in: "Cinema Nuovo", n° 1, Novembre 1952. (in Italian) Burke, Frank M. " Variety Lights, The White Sheik, and Italian Neorealism". In Film Criticism, Winter 1978, Volume 3, no. 2, p. 53-66. External links [ edit] The White Sheik on IMDb The White Sheik an essay by Jonathan Rosenbaum at the Criterion Collection.
This is some of the most beautiful music I've heard in my entire life. Nights of Cabiria, 8 1/2, Amarcord...
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Bellisima. Bravo NINO.
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